We are a Public Foundation, and we make grants or distributions only to organizations that are “qualified donees”, which according to Canada Revenue Agency, includes registered Canadian charities. One implication of this is that we are unable to grant to a not-for-profit organization without registered charitable status.
An organization that is not a qualified donee wishing to apply for funding from London Community Foundation may do one of the following:
Make a formal application to Canada Revenue Agency to become a registered charity - OR -
Establish a partnership* with a local registered charity that would receive the funds for the project from the Foundation
*If the second option is viable, please note:
The relationship between said charity and the non-profit organization needs to be an appropriate affiliation (i.e. a charity that plants trees should not align itself with a non-profit that provides interior design/architectural services for affordable housing)
The relationship between the registered charity and the non-profit organization needs to be documented and a formal arrangement between the charity's board of directors and the non-profit organization's board of directors, before the grant will be awarded
The agreement terms should include a full description of the project being funded and outline the responsibilities of the charity. Charity responsibilities include:
Seeing that the project will be completed by the non-profit organization as described in the grant application
Agreeing to distribute funds to the non-profit organization as work progresses on the project
Being accountable to the Community Foundation for the performance of the non-profit organization in regards to the project for which it is receiving grant funding
*Note: The Community Foundation will only consider a request for funding from a non-profit organization that is not a registered charity if there is a signed agreement between the charity and the non-profit organization included with the grant application. For more information about the processes, benefits and other considerations concerning partnerships, click here to read ‘A Guide for Charity/Non-Charity Partnerships’.