Recognition & Reporting

Your success is our success.

Recognition is an important part of cultivating relationships with our current and soon-to-be donors, relationships that enable London Community Foundation to support the projects that spark change in our community. We ask that you recognize our contribution by acknowledging the Foundation in marketing and media materials (print and online) related to our grants and loans. Don’t be afraid to let us know how you’re doing! Informal updates on the impact of your program are always welcome.

Al Day

Al Day


Print Use

Both black/white and colour versions of our logo are available for download (see bottom of this page). Ideally, we would like you to use the EPS (encapsulated post script) versions of our logo whenever possible.

Website Use

If you display our logo on your website, also include an active link to our site. Our coloured PNG files are ideal for website promotion usage.


You may not alter London Community Foundation’s logo in any manner, including its layout, colors or elements. The Foudnation logo should only be used to recognize a grant or loan to your organization. Should you wish to use our logo for any other purpose, please contact us.

Press Releases

If you are making an announcement to the media about your grant or loan, we ask that you please acknowledge the Foundation’s contribution and send a draft of your press release to Matthew Brewer for approval.


The Foundation appreciates informal updates about grants and loans so reach out to us in whatever way is easiest for you! Pictures are also always appreciated. Some grants though, may require a more formal report. You will receive notification as to what is required and when it is due.

Below, you’ll find the customized reporting forms available for each grant program. Please select the form below that corresponds to the grant you received.